Saturday, September 1, 2007

I am one of a million people who acutely dislikes being woken up. I can't help it, it's probably in my genes, encoded in the short arm of some obscure chromosome. So I was on 24 hrs duty yesterday, and one thing leading to another, I managed to fall asleep at 2.30 am. 15 mins later, there was a very confident, loud knocking on my door. I opened the door and there was this brain-deficient security guard asking me if I sleep in room no 8. Brain-deficient I say because Room no 8 has '8' painted on its door, and I sleep across from it in an unmarked door. I told him 'No' in my very elegant Hindi and crawled back to bed. That's when tragedy struck, I couldn't sleep till 4, only to be woken by my mom on the phone at 6. * Sigh *

But I am post duty today so I shall be sleeping the day away, except to cook. Because my cousin arrived yesterday, laden with goodies like mai an, behlawi, bekang ro, tumbu pickle and even the dried version of them. So I shall make use of my cullinary skills and make mai an bai. It will be quite an occasion because, for the last 2 months, I have been feeding my husband nothing but fried potatoes, dal and a stew of cabbage, eggplant and beans. H has been stalwart and stoical and has not complained even once ( I don't take his suggestions of dining out as complaints). I think he really deserves the change, I think I may even add a dash of butter for good measure :)

Talking of cooking, I have been cooking for the last 3 months or so on a regular basis (alternative days I suppose), and I have burnt food only twice. That works out to be approximately 4% of total cooking episodes. I say the statistics are very encouraging. I will try my best to remember to simmer.

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