What good is a blog if you have no idea what to post on it? Nothing much seems to happen in my life these days, which is also a good thing, but does nothing to my post list.
The only thing that I can think of are gripes, all negative and angry about minor upsets that happen all the time. For example, the perfectly horrible time I had with SBI. I could go on and on about it. My request for a new ATM PIN took 4 months, and the staff's helpful reply to my query - 'How can you lose your ATM PIN?'. (According to them, I shouldn't have torn up the letter telling me my PIN, even though it was their firm instruction to do so.) But who wants to listen to just another nobody ranting uselessly against the world?
So the only solution in these wordless days are pictures, and who's a better candidate than Ruatfeli?
You're one of the very few Mizo bloggers I know gutsy enough to write about their personal lives and highs and lows, and not just takes on impersonal issues. I find that courageous and quite inspirational. And don't worry about the gripes. Sometimes it's actually therapeutic for me reading about other people's gripes. Honestly. Like phew what a relief, I'm not the only one doing stupid things. Btw Ruatfeli's growing fast. Love that confused expression in picture 3 *muah*
What a compliment, Calliopia :) Although I'm not sure how happy Feli would be about me putting up her pictures. And she's growing...not as fast as some of her peers, but growing nonetheless :D
I always store my ATM PIN nos as a phone number on my mobile phone under a pseudonym, like "Dad". :D
Ruatfeli rocks, as usual. Coochie cooooo! :)
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