Sunday, October 14, 2007


My single female friend was telling me about her romantic escapades, and she said,'...we even have the same taste in music'.

That made me think of two things. One is how mature and practical I imagine myself all of a sudden. I used to like guys with the same music taste as mine, in fact, it was almost a vital criteria. But if we're talking of ingredients for a good match, similar music taste probably would not be in the top three. Although totally opposite music preferences could probably play havoc in married life too; a constant barrage of rap music would possibly turn me into a knife-wielding lunatic. The same friend and I had once made a list of all the things we would like in a guy, and I remember some of the things I wrote:

  • same taste in music.
  • must be a smoker.
  • preferably have long hair.
  • can watch endless movies.
  • should hate cricket.

....and more juvenile things. The list now reads more like a guy I would avoid at all cost, except for the movies part of it. hehe. More important are trust, respect, similar ideals and principles, and the really, really liking each other aspect of it that can make you bear each other for long.

Another thought was, what has happened to my music taste? I remember when I was into Alanis Morissette, Oasis, the Cranberries, the Beatles, Cake, Travis, Fiona Apple and the like and I kind of 'adopted' them and even felt sort of possessive about them. Now I listen mainly to country music, Tracy Chapman and other mellow songs. I am totally unaware of new hits, and I'm quite happy without them. Someone once lambasted me for liking country music. He said people who like country music are all complacent dolts. He could be right, but what's wrong with being a dolt if you are complacent about it ? :)


Mizohican said...

So that means, now your dream guy must LOVE cricket???? Ah... the AGE works in mysterious ways :)

My music taste hasn't changed till now. Still love GnR and other 80s 90s glam rock :)

diary said...

Erm, I don't have much of a choice do I? hehe. I still am not a fan, although T20 makes the game mucho better :)

My taste in music is regressing back to country music. When I am old and grey, I shall probably be nostalgic with nursery rhymes I fear :P

Unknown said...

haha..:) well don't have much time to listen to music anymore let alone find a guy with similar taste ..that day sitting in the cafe in lh making that silly " 20 must haves" for adream guy seem childish now but i love every minute we spent together:) and will treasure all.mwah to u and my fav kid Ruatfeli.

diary said...

Hi Padma, those were the days of our lives eh? Life can never get better than then. we were the queens of the world, the topcats. We had such a huge confidence back then. sigh. I miss you and Monisha